This PowerPoint will help you to complete mandatory unit Safeguarding at level 2 & 3.
This will also help you to structure your assignment writing.
This activity you will complete a word search, each finding is an element of types, caused, signs and symptoms of dementia.
It will help with remembering terminology and developing assignment answers.
This PowerPoint will help you to complete mandatory unit Duty of Care at level 2 & 3.
This will also help you to structure your assignment writing.
The PowerPoint will help you to complete mandatory role of the social care worker unit at level 2 & 3.
The PowerPoint will help you to structure your assignments.
This PowerPoint will help you to complete mandatory unit Promote Communication at level 2 & 3.
This will also help you to structure your assignment writing.
This PowerPoint will help you to complete mandatory unit Personal and Professional Development at level 2 & 3.
This will also help you to structure your assignment writing.
This PowerPoint will help you to complete mandatory unit Equality and Diver at level 2 & 3.
This will also help you to structure your assignment writing.
This activity highlights common safeguarding activities as highlighted by the Care Quality Commission CQC and gets you thinking about how safeguarding issues happen and how you can reduce the risk of occurrences.
Will help with your assignment writing processes.